Hastings Qigong

Integrating body, mind, emotions and spirit

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Kim SchraderKim Schrader is a Licensed Social Worker with nearly 30 years of experience working with older adults, teens and people with developmental disabilities. Kim has traveled extensively around the world both leisurely and for business.

Certified in Level 1 and Level II Spring Forest Qigong as taught by Master Chinyi Lin, www.springforestqigong.com, in the spring of 2008. Kim has used Qigong practices for personal purposes and more recently has begun sharing her knowledge by offering practice groups for beginners as well as those who are trained and experienced in various forms of Qigong.

Certified Qigong Healer, Kim offers private healing sessions to assist people with reducing sickness and pain, emotional issues, and balancing ones energies for better health and well being. Kim's goal is to uphold Master Chunyi Lin's vision of "a healer in every family and a world without pain."

For more information about practice group and techniques, or for information on private healing rates and locations, email hastingsqigong@gmail.com or call Kim at 651-261-0678.